I.B. Tauris
Books from this publisher

Beyond the Mosque
Diverse Spaces of Muslim Worship

Magic and Masculinity
Ritual Magic and Gender in the Early Modern Era
The Coming of the Aerial War
Culture and the Fear of Airborne Attack in Inter-War Britain

Islam, Sharia and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Mechanisms for Legal Redress in the Muslim Community
100 Science Fiction Films

Khatami's Iran
The Islamic Republic and the Turbulent Path to Reform
Monarchy and Modernity in Egypt
Politics, Islam and Neo-Colonialism Between the Wars
The Honourable Consul
A Story of Diplomacy
Storm Warning
Riding the Crosswinds in the Pakistan-Afghan Borderlands
Slavery in Africa and the Caribbean
A History of Enslavement and Identity since the 18th Century
Il conformista (The Conformist)

Andreas Papandreou
The Making of a Greek Democrat and Political Maverick

The British in Egypt
Community, Crime and Crises 1882-1922

Into Africa
The Imperial Life of Margery Perham

100 Cult Films

A Companion to Muslim Cultures

The Poetics of Iranian Cinema
Aesthetics, Modernity and Film after the Revolution

The GCC and the International Relations of the Gulf
Diplomacy, Security and Economic Coordination in a Changing Middle East
Technology and National Identity in Turkey
Mobile Communications and the Evolution of a Post-Ottoman Nation

London Was Ours
Diaries and Memoirs of the London Blitz

The New A-Z of Empire
A Concise Handbook of British Imperial History

From Mission to Modernity
Evangelicals, Reformers and Education in Nineteenth Century Egypt

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Forugh Farrokhzad, Poet of Modern Iran
Iconic Woman and Feminine Pioneer of New Persian Poetry

Cinema and Colour
The Saturated Image

Diversity and Pluralism in Islam
Historical and Contemporary Discourses amongst Muslims

Soviet Cinema
Politics and Persuasion Under Stalin

The Practice of Politics in Safavid Iran
Power, Religion and Rhetoric

100 Documentary Films

Muslim Modernities
Expressions of the Civil Imagination

Three Kings in Baghdad
The Tragedy of Iraq's Monarchy