Hancock House
Books from this publisher

The Man Who Filmed Nessie
Tim Dinsdale and the Enigma of Loch Ness

True Pheasants
A Noble Quarry

Packtrains & Airplanes
Memories of Lonesome Lake

Sasquatch in British Columbia
A Chronology of Incidents & Important Events

Wrong Highway
The Misadventures of a Misplaced Society Girl

Appalachian Ruffed Grouse
Ecology and Management

Bigfoot Research
The Russian Vision

Yale & the Strange Story of Jacko the Ape-boy

Attending Alaska's Birds
A Wildlife Pilot's Story

Bald Eagles in Alaska

The Bear Man

Know the Sasquatch - LTD ED
Sequel and Update to Meet the Sasquatch

Wyatt Earp's Secret Second Wife

Know the Sasquatch
Sequel and Update to Meet the Sasquatch

Giants, Cannibals & Monsters
Bigfoot in Native Culture

Dreaming of Wolves
Adventures in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania

Remember Me
The Charles Morgan Blessing Story

Alaska's Father Goose
Captain Gerald A. "Bud" Bodding: A Career in Aviation

Dirt Hawking
A Rabbit & Hare Hawker's Guide


Observations on Modern Falconry

Taming of Genghis, The

The Future of Humanity: A Short Study of Evolution from the Origin of Life to the Present

Young Falconer's Walkabout, A
Hitchhiking through Europe and Africa in the Sixties

Shaking the Feather Boa
Risky Business & Other Adventures

Ralph Edwards of Lonesome Lake
the complete biography of the Crusoe of Lonesome Lake as told to Ed Gould

Doctor's Notes, A
Taken from Both Sides of the Bedsheets

Sasquatch/Bigfoot and the Mystery of the Wild Man
Cryptozoology and Mythology in the Pacific Northwest

Tribal Bigfoot

Who's Watching You?
An Exploration of the Bigfoot Phenomenon in the Pacific Northwest

Bigfoot Film Journal