Cornell University Press
Books from this publisher
Suffering Victory
Soviet Liberals and the Failure of Democracy in Russia, 1987-1993
Russia's World Order
How Civilizationism Explains the Conflict with the West
October 2024
A Displaced Nation
The 1954 Evacuation and Its Political Impact on the Vietnam Wars
The Politics of Love
Gender and Nation in Nineteenth-Century Poland
April 2024
I Try Not to Think of Afghanistan
Lithuanian Veterans of the Soviet War
Fire Dancers in Thailand's Tourism Industry
Art, Affect, and Labor
Ecologizing Education
Nature-Centered Teaching for Cultural Change
Law, Order, and Empire
Policing and Crime in Colonial Algeria, 1870-1954
Governing the Displaced
Race and Ambivalence in Global Capitalism
October 2023
Butterflies of Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces
Russian Liberalism
April 2023
The Party Family
Revolutionary Attachments and the Gendered Origins of State Power in China
Between War and the State
Civil Society in South Vietnam, 1954-1975
Monuments for Posterity
Self-Commemoration and the Stalinist Culture of Time
Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages
Exploring a Connected World
October 2022
Philosophy of the Name
Where They Need Me
Local Clinicians and the Workings of Global Health in Haiti
Along the Integral Margin
Uneven Development in a Myanmar Squatter Settlement
Winning by Process
The State and Neutralization of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar
April 2022
Soviet Samizdat
Imagining a New Society
Why Would I Be Married Here?
Marriage Migration and Dispossession in Neoliberal India
Indonesia Journal
October 2021
Radical Resilience
Athenian Topographies of Precarity and Possibility
Incidental Archaeologists
French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa
The Neomercantilists
A Global Intellectual History
Indonesia Journal
April 2021