Accidental Eden
Hippie Days on Lasqueti Island
Lives of the Family
Stories of Fate and Circumstance
Going Over
A Nova Scotian Soldier in World War I
When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining
A Time Such as There Never Was Before
Canada After the Great War
Closing Time
Prohibition, Rum-Runners, and Border Wars
The Inspiring Story of Ethiopia's Victory over Mussolini's Invasion, 1935-–1941
The Trans-Canada Store
Indian School Road
Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School
Dominion Atlantic Railway
Valour Road
Only 71 Canadians Were Awarded The Victoria Cross In Wwi Three
Canada's Bastions of Empire
Halifax, Victoria and the Royal Navy 1749-1918
Macdonald at 200
New Reflections and Legacies
The Battle of London
Trudeau, Thatcher, and the Fight for Canada's Constitution
Canadian Stories of World War One