New Books on Politics
The Unbroken Machine
Canada's Democracy in Action
Sir John's Echo
The Voice for a Stronger Canada
Radical Transformation
Oligarchy, Collapse, and the Crisis of Civilization
Should We Change How We Vote?
Evaluating Canada’s Electoral System
Stories Best Left Untold
Tales From A Manitoba Legislator
Brand Command
Canadian Politics and Democracy in the Age of Message Control
A Man of Parliament
Selected Speeches from Joe Clark
Democracy Rising
Politics and Participation in Canada
Canadian Democracy
An Introduction
Permanent Campaigning in Canada
Getting Along in the World with Harper and Trudeau
Honest Politics Now
What ethical conduct means in Canadian public life
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
Its Origins under Macdonald, Laurier, and Borden
Rivals for Power: Ottawa and the Provinces
The contentious history of the Canadian federation