
Be a Dime
Unleash Your Inherent Energy and Live Life More Joyfully

The Duel
Diefenbaker, Pearson and the Making of Modern Canada

Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Shaping of a National Identity

Friends and Enemies
Essays in Canada's Foreign Relations

Dream Car
Malcolm Bricklin's Fantastic SV1 and the End of Industrial Modernity

Arctic Patrol
Canada's Fight for Arctic Sovereignty

The Roosting Box
Rebuilding the Body after the First World War

The Avro Arrow
For the Record

A War Guest in Canada

Famous for a Time
Forgotten Giants of Canadian Sport

1950s Canada
Politics and Public Affairs

A Very Canadian Coup
The Rise and Demise of Prime Minister Mackenzie Bowell, 1894–1896

Bombs and Barbed Wire
Stories of Acadian Airmen and Prisoners of War, 1939-1945

Madness, Mayhem and Murder
More True Tales of Crime and Justice from Nova Scotia's Past

Stories and Lessons from the Halifax Explosion

Railway Nation
Tales of Canadian Pacific, the World's Greatest Travel System

Canadarm and Collaboration
How Canada’s Astronauts and Space Robots Explore New Worlds

Queens County
A History in Pictures

Memories on the Bounty
A Story of Friendship, Love, and Adventure

A Race for Real Sailors
The Bluenose and the International Fishermen's Cup, 1920–1938

Relative to Wind
On Sailing, Craft, and Community

Searching for Mayflowers
The True Story of Canada's First Quintuplets

Just Say Yes
A Memoir

Becoming Green Gables
The Diary of Myrtle Webb and Her Famous Farmhouse