Nonfiction to FALL for!
Compelling nonfiction for Autumn 2023

life in fragments

Where the World Was

The Lost Supper
Searching for the Future of Food in the Flavors of the Past

Sharp Notions
Essays from the Stitching Life

My Body Is Distant
A Memoir

A War Guest in Canada

Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons
The Lives of Jennie Jerome Churchill and Sara Delano Roosevelt

Becoming a Matriarch
A Memoir

The Trials and Triumphs of Canada's Fastest Family

Letters with Smokie
Blindness and More-than-Human Relations

My Name Is Not Harry
A Memoir

The Age of Insecurity
Coming Together as Things Fall Apart

Here With You
A Memoir of Love, Family, and Addiction

When My Ghost Sings
A Memoir of Stroke, Recovery, and Transformation