For the Birders!
Birding has become wildly popular in recent years. Greystone Books and Heritage House Publishing have a strong selection of local guides that are sure to satisfy local birders in BC, AB, SK, MB, and ON!

Birds of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest
A Complete Guide, Second Edition

Best Places to Bird in British Columbia

Birds of Interior BC and the Rockies

Birds of Southwestern British Columbia

Best Places to Bird in Ontario

Best Places to Bird in the Prairies

Baby Birds in the Wild

More Baby Birds in the Wild

Birding for Kids
A Guide to Finding, Identifying, and Photographing Birds in Your Area

Bird Brains
The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays

A Remarkable Passion for Birds

Encounters with the Wise Guys of the Avian World {10th anniversary edition}

Raptors of the West
Captured in Photographs