New Atlantic Canadian Ebooks
Ebook editions of new Atlantic Canadian titles as featured in the Atlantic Summer Reading Guide

Real Justice: Convicted for Being Mi'kmaq
The story of Donald Marshall Jr.

True Stories from Nova Scotia's Past

Hiking Trails of Cape Breton, 2nd Edition

Hiking Trails of Mainland Nova Scotia, 9th Edition
9th Edition

Trails of Halifax Regional Municipality, 2nd Edition

Hiking Trails of New Brunswick, 3rd Edition

Waterfalls of New Brunswick
A Guide

The Aroostook War of 1839

A Neighbourly War
New Brunswick and the War of 1812

Battle for the Bay
The Naval War of 1812

The Metamorphosis
The Apprenticeship of Harry Houdini

The Rest is Silence

The Town That Drowned

Master and Madman
The Surprising Rise and Disastrous Fall of the Hon Anthony Lockwood RN

Of Earthly and River Things
An Angler's Memoir

The Ballad of Jacob Peck

Captain Kean's Secret

Imaginary Line
Life on an Unfinished Border