Brian Young
Books by Brian Young

Legendary Frybread Drive-In
Intertribal Stories

Law, Life, and the Teaching of Legal History
Essays in Honour of G. Blaine Baker

The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers
The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling

A Short History of Quebec

A Short History of Quebec
Fourth Edition

Une mort très digne
L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

Une mort très digne
L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

Respectable Burial
Montreal's Mount Royal Cemetery

Respectable Burial
Montreal's Mount Royal Cemetery

The Making and Unmaking of a University Museum
The McCord, 1921-1996
The Politics of Codification
The Lower Canadian Civil Code of 1866

Politics of Codification
The Lower Canadian Civil Code of 1866

In Its Corporate Capacity
The Seminary of Montreal as a Business Institution, 1816-1876

George-Etienne Cartier
Montreal Bourgeois

George-Etienne Cartier
Montreal Bourgeois

Promoters and Politicians
The North-Shore Railways in the History of Quebec 1854-85

Promoters and Politicians
The North-Shore Railways in the History of Quebec 1854-85