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Peter Sutton

Peter Sutton, BM, BCh(Oxon), FRCPC, is a child and adult psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He has professional interests in infant and child development, parenting, and parent-infant and parent-child relationships and their disturbances. He maintains a private practice in child and adult psychiatry and psychoanalysis, focusing on individual psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, marital and family therapy, custody and access assessment in high-conflict separation and divorce, and parenting capacity assessment in child welfare cases. He is a member of the faculty at the University of Toronto, the Toronto Child Psychotherapy Program, and the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis. He is the co-founder of the Infant Mental Health Promotion Project of Metropolitan Toronto (IMP), a major initiative to improve service to infants and parents within Metropolitan Toronto, and was for many years the chairperson of IMP’s Education Committee. Dr. Sutton was on the staff of the Department of Psychiatry, Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and head of the Infant Psychiatry Program from 1986–95.