Richard Stevenson
Books by Richard Stevenson

Bature! West African Haikai

Bature! West African Haikai

The Heiligen Effect

Fruit Wedge Moon
Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, Kyoka, and Zappai

A Dog Named Normal

Haunting of Amos Manor

Casting Out Nines

Windfall Apples
Tanka and Kyoka

The Emerald Hour
Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, and Zappai

Wiser Pills

Bye Bye Blackbird

Live Evil
A Homage to Miles Davis
Parrot With Tourette's
Take me to your Leader

A Charm of Finches

Hot Flashes

Nothing Definite Yeti
Murder of Crows, A
New and Selected Poems

Flying Coffins

From the Mouths of Angels

Learning to Breathe