David E. Smith
Books by David E. Smith
The Constitution in a Hall of Mirrors
Canada at 150
The Invisible Crown
The First Principle of Canadian Government
Across the Aisle
Opposition in Canadian Politics
The Invisible Crown
The First Principle of Canadian Government
Federalism and the Constitution of Canada
The People's House of Commons
Theories of Democracy in Contention
Letters Home
The Wartime Correspondence and Diary of John Edwin Gardiner, RCAF (1919-1942)
The Republican Option in Canada, Past and Present
Jimmy Gardiner
Relentless Liberal
The Regional Decline of a National Party
Liberals on the Prairies
The Regional Decline of a National Party
Liberals on the Prairies
Prairie Liberalism
The Liberal Party in Saskatchewn 1905-71
Prairie Liberalism
The Liberal Party in Saskatchewn 1905-71