Benoît Séguin
Benoît Séguin is a professor of sport management (School of Human Kinetics) at the University of Ottawa. He specializes in sport marketing. His doctoral research examined the issue of ambush marketing and its impact on the Olympic brand. Dr. Séguin’s research on sponsorship, ambush marketing, and Olympic Marketing has been published in a variety of international journals including the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and Journal of Sport Management. He recently co-authored a book titled Olympic Marketing with Professors Alain Ferrand (France) and Jean-Loup Chappelet (Switzerland). Dr Séguin is a regular speaker at international conferences and workshops. He is a regular supervising Professor at the International Olympic Academy (Olympic marketing and sponsoring), at the Russian International Olympic University (Business of Sport and the Olympics), and with the Executive Masters in Sport Organizations Management (MEMOS), an international program supported by Olympic Solidarity.