About Pete Seeger Peter "Pete" Seeger (May 3, 1919 – January 27, 2014) was an American folk singer and activist. Books by Pete Seeger The Dundurn Arctic Culture and Sovereignty Library Pike's Portage/Death Wins in the Arctic/Arctic Naturalist/Arctic Obsession/Arctic Twilight/Arctic Front/Canoeing North Into the Unknown/Arctic Revolution/In the Shadow of the Pole/Voices From the Odeyak by (author) Michael Posluns, Bruce W. Hodgins, S.L. Osborne, Kerry Karram, Ken S. Coates, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, William R. Morrion, Greg Poelzer, Anthony Dalton, Alexis S. Troubetzkoy, John David Hamilton & Claudia Coutu Radmore edited by Morten Asfeldt & Bob Henderson foreword by Pete Seeger Voices From the Odeyak by (author) Michael Posluns foreword by Pete Seeger Voices From the Odeyak by (author) Michael Posluns foreword by Pete Seeger