Erik Seedhouse
Books by Erik Seedhouse

Spaceports Around the World, A Global Growth Industry

Mars One
The Ultimate Reality TV Show?

XCOR, Developing the Next Generation Spaceplane

Mars via the Moon
The Next Giant Leap

SpaceX's Dragon
America's Next Generation Spacecraft

Microgravity and Vision Impairments in Astronauts

Virgin Galactic
The First Ten Years

Bigelow Aerospace
Colonizing Space One Module at a Time

Beyond Human
Engineering Our Future Evolution

Tourists in Space
A Practical Guide

Industry at the Edge of Space

Interplanetary Outpost
The Human and Technological Challenges of Exploring the Outer Planets

Trailblazing Medicine
Sustaining Explorers During Interplanetary Missions

Ocean Outpost
The Future of Humans Living Underwater

Prepare for Launch
The Astronaut Training Process

The New Space Race
China Vs. USA

Lunar Outpost
The Challenges of Establishing a Human Settlement on the Moon