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Marie-Christine Payette

Books by Marie-Christine Payette

Ma petite Ogichidaa

une berceuse autochtone

by (author) Willie Poll
illustrated by Hawlii Pichette
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Skye la conteuse

Enseignements de mon grand-pere ojibway

by (author) Lindsay Christina King
illustrated by Carolyn Frank
translated by Marie-Christine Payette


la fille qui est devenue mi-poisson

by (author) Willie Poll
illustrated by bailey mcabre
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Skye la conteuse plan de cours

Enseignements de mon grand-pere ojibway

by (author) Lindsay Christina King
illustrated by Carolyn Frank
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Minnow plan de cours

la fille qui est devenue mi-poisson

by (author) Willie Poll
illustrated by bailey mcabre
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Chaque enfant compte

by (author) Phyllis Webstad
illustrated by Karlene Harvey
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Chaque enfant compte plan de cours

by (author) Phyllis Webstad
illustrated by Karlene Harvey
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Every Child Matters

by (author) Phyllis Webstad
illustrated by Karlene Harvey
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Le chef du mais

by (author) Karen Whetung
photographs by Lindsay Delaronde
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Le chef du mais plan de cours

by (author) Karen Whetung
photographs by Lindsay Delaronde
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Avec nos coeurs oranges

by (author) Phyllis Webstad
illustrated by Emily Kewageshig
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

C'est ce qu'on m'a dit

by (author) Juliana Armstrong
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

C'est ce qu'on m'a dit Teacher Lesson Plan

illustrated by Juliana Armstrong
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

La plume d'aigle

by (author) Kevin Locke
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Le caillou de guerison de Trudy

by (author) Trudy Spiller
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Le chandail orange de Phyllis

by (author) Phyllis Webstad
illustrated by Brock Nicol
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Les enseignements du danseur de cerceaux

by (author) Teddy Anderson
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Les cadeaux du corbeau

by (author) Kung Jaadee
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Medicine Wheel Education 6 Hardcover Rhyming Book Set (French)

by (author) Medicine Wheel Education
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

Le cercle d'aide et de partage

by (author) Theresa Larsen-Jonasson
illustrated by Jessika Von Innerebner
translated by Marie-Christine Payette

On Apprend du soleil

by (author) David Bouchard
illustrated by Kristy Cameron
translated by Marie-Christine Payette