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Jitendra Pant

Vague promptings of the self, difficult circumstances and disconsolation were the context in which the author found himself at Guruji's feet. His refuge, sought for inarticulately, was readily given. That marked the author's continuing volte face, as it were, from the misconceptions of his being. For not only did Guruji provide easy shelter and warm food, he led one to that very ancient fad yet unutterably new destination: the Truth. By an act of spiritual combustion, whose trick he alone knows, Guruji gave all those who came to him an undying aspiration for the self. The author caught it, too. While the author perseveres in error and dim sightings of the light, Guruji continues tirelessly to ferry him - and all those who seek his refuge, even if through the agency of this book - to the shores of his own being.

Books by Jitendra Pant