About Richard Overstall Richard Overstall is a lawyer with a particular interest acting for indigenous groups constituted under their own laws. Books by Richard Overstall Intellectual Property Futures Exploring the Global Landscape of IP Law and Policy edited by Graham J. Reynolds, Alexandra Mogyoros & Teshager Dagne contributions by Bassem Awad, Sara Bannerman, Mauro Barelli, Enrico Bonadio, Andrea Cabello, Naama Daniel, Cheryl Dine, Mistrale Goudreau, Gregory Hagen, Johnny Mack, Lisa Macklem, Faith Majekolagbe, Richard Overstall, Anmol Patel, Andelka Phillips, Luciano Povoa, Cody Rei-Anderson, Anthony Rosborough, Myra Tawfik, David Watson & Peter Yu series edited by Michael Geist Indigenous Intellectual Property An Interrupted Intergenerational Conversation edited by Val Napoleon, Rebecca Johnson, Richard Overstall & Debra McKenzie