bp Nichol
Books by bp Nichol
Some Lines of Poetry
From the Notebooks of bpNichol
Nights on Prose Mountain
A Collaboration
bp: beginnings
a book of variations
love - zygal - art facts
organ music
parts of an autobiography
A Lullaby
The Captain Poetry Poems
The Alphabet Game
A bpNichol Reader
Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer
The Critical Writings of bpNichol
A Book of Mysteries and Translations
Martyrology Book 6
Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &
The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &
Martyrology Book 5
Martyrology Books 1 & 2
Ad Sanctos
The Martyrology Book 9
Martyrology Books 3 & 4
Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 &
The Martyrology Book(s) 7 & 8
A Book of Fictions
Rational Geomancy
The Kids of the Book-Machine, The Collected Research Reports of the Toronto Research Group 1973-1982
bpNichol Comics
Selected Writing
As Elected