About López Books by López Diary of an Ogre by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Warriner Diary of a Fairy by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Warriner Diary of a Witch by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Warriner Diary of a Monster by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Warriner Journal d'un ogre by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Ericksen Journal d'une fée by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Ericksen Journal d'un monstre by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Ericksen Journal d'une sorcière by (author) Valeria Dávila, López & CrackBoom! Books illustrated by Laura Aguerrebehere translated by Ericksen