Camille Labchuk
Camille Labchuk (BA (Hons), Mount Allison; JD, Toronto) practises animal rights law in Toronto, and also serves as Director of Legal Advocacy for Animal Justice Canada, Canada’s only animal law advocacy organization. As a lawyer, Camille represents individuals and organizations in animal law cases, defends animal advocates, and seeks out litigation that enhances the interests of animals. As an advocate, Camille’s work includes documenting the commercial seal kill on Canada’s East Coast, exposing suffering on farms, and campaigns against trophy hunting, circuses, zoos, aquariums, shark finning, puppy mills, and more. Camille is a former board member of Mercy for Animals Canada, which investigates conditions on factory farms and promotes compassionate food choices. She is also an executive member of the Ontario Bar Association’s Animal Law Section. She is a frequent lecturer on animal law topics. Before becoming a lawyer, Camille managed communications for Humane Society International/Canada.