About William Kerr William A. Kerr is the Van Vliet Professor of International Trade at the University of Saskatchewan and a senior associate of the Estey Centre for Law and Economics in International Trade in Saskatoon, Canada. Books by William Kerr Canada's Fluid Borders Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration edited by Geoffrey Hale & Greg Anderson contributions by Patricia Dewey-Lambert, Monica Gattinger, Jill Hobbs, William Kerr, Meredith Lilly & Andrew Moroz Trade Negotiations in Agriculture A Future Common Agenda for Brazil and Canada? contributions by Jane H. Kelley, May T. Yeung, James D. Rude, Annette Hester, Laura J. Loppacher, Marcos S. Jank, Mario Q.M. Jales, William A. Kerr, Grant E. Issac, Estela Tavares, Eugene Bealieu, Shenjie Chen, Florencia Jubany & James D. Gaisford edited by William Kerr & James Gaisford NAFTA in Transition contributions by Stephen Randall, Herman Konrad, Pedro Marquez Perez, Maria Teresa Gutierrez Haces, Robert McRae, James Gerber, William Kerr, Gustavo del Castillo Vera, Diana Alarcon Gonzalez, Paul Ganster, Victor Konrad, Robyn Adamache, Claudia Culos, Gerado Otero, Morton Weinfeld, Alan Sweedler, Bradly Condon, Michel Duquette, Dixon Thompson, Neil Nevitte, Miguel Basanez, Ronald Inglehart, John Herd Thompson, Colin Hoskins, Stuart McFayden & Dorothy Zolf edited by Stephen J. Randall & H. Konrad