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Sarah Margaret Johanson

Books by Sarah Margaret Johanson

Caillou apprend à nager

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny
translated by Claire St-Onge

Caillou: Preschool Fun

2 Stories Included

adapted by Marilyn Pleau-Murissi & Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou en vedette!

2 histoires, 1 marionnette

adapted by Marilyn Pleau-Murissi & Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: I Can Brush my Teeth

Healthy Toddler

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Caillou se brosse les dents

Série Saines habitudes

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Caillou Gets the Hiccups!

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson & Éric Sévigny

Caillou Dances with Grandma

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Adieu, hoquet!

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou danse avec mamie

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou se brosse les dents

Kit avec brosse à dents

text by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud
contributions by Francine Nadeau & Hélène Buithieu

Caillou: The Firefighter

illustrated by Éric Sévigny
adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson

Caillou apprend à nager

Avec affiche à l'intérieur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny
translated by Claire St-Onge

Caillou Learns to Swim

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: I Can Brush My Teeth

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Caillou: L'apprenti pompier

Avec affiche à l'intérieur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny
translated by Claire St-Onge

Caillou apprend à recycler

Planète écolo

text by Kim Thompson
adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Au marché

Planète écolo

text by Kim Thompson
adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou se brosse les dents

text by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud
contributions by Francine Nadeau & Hélène Buithieu

Caillou: Show and Tell

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: La surprise

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Happy Thanksgiving!

text by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Training Wheels

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou Plants a Tree

Ecology Club

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: As Good as New

Ecology Club

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou plante un arbre

Planète écolo

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Un vélo presque neuf

Planète écolo

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Parade of Shapes

Puzzle Book

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Parade of Colors

Puzzle Book

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Chaque goutte compte

Planète écolo

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: La magie du compost

Planète écolo

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: The Magic of Compost

Ecology Club

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Every Drop Counts

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Every Drop Counts

Ecology Club

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: My Day Care Friends

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Where's Gilbert?

by (author) Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou cherche son chat

Avec affiche à l'intérieur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Mes amis de la garderie

Avec affiche à l'intérieur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Le capitaine

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: The Jungle Explorer

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: L'explorateur

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny

Caillou: Un repas de famille

text by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Pierre Brignaud

Caillou: My Imaginary Friend

adapted by Sarah Margaret Johanson
illustrated by Éric Sévigny