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Bob Hayes

For 20 years, Robert (Bob) Hayes was the Yukon's wolf biologist. During those years, he studied hundreds of radio-collared wolves and conducted several long-term wolf-prey studies. He is considered a world expert on moose and caribou predation by wolves and the effects of wolf control efforts on wolves and their prey.

Bob's long-term research has led him to believe widespread aerial control of wolves is biologically wrong and that non-lethal methods of reducing predation is the future of wolf management.

This led him to spend years writing his first book for public consumption, Wolves of the Yukon, a book which he self-published and has been a success in both English and German editions.

Bob served as a Canadian member of the IUCN Wolf Specialist group for nearly a decade. He and his wife, Caroline, share their time between Whitehorse and Smithers, British Columbia. Bob is a Simon Fraser University Alumni.

Books by Bob Hayes