Kenn Harper
Books by Kenn Harper
Give Me Winter, Give Me Dogs
Knud Rasmussen and the Fifth Thule Expedition
In Those Days: Inuit and Explorers
In Those Days: Inuit and Explorers
Inuit and Explorers
In Those Days: Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
The Breathing Hole
In Those Days: Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
In Those Days: Tales of Arctic Whaling
Tales of Arctic Whaling
Thou Shalt Do No Murder
Inuit, Injustice, and the Canadian Arctic
In Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment
Arctic Crime and Punishment
In Those Days: Arctic Crime and Punishment
In Those Days: Inuit Lives
Inuit Lives