Don Druick is a distinguished playwright, translator, a baroque flutist, and an avid bread baker. In a career spanning more than 50 years, Don Druick's plays and translations have been produced on stage, radio and television in Canada, Europe, Japan, and the USA. He has received twelve Canada Council grants in Theatre, Creative Writing, Performance Art; as well as grants from the Ministère des Affairs Culturale de Quèbec, the Japan-Canada Fund, the Laidlaw Foundation, and the Ontario Arts Council. Having lived in Vancouver and Montreal, Don Druick currently lives with artist Jane Buyers in Elmira Ontario, a small village 125 km west of Toronto. Don Druick's previous works include the award-winning plays Where is Kabuki?, Through the Eyes, Lie Doggo, and the hit CBC radio series Recipe for Murder. He is presently working on a novel entitled The Name We Didn't Know.