Daria Lavrova is an artist and illustrator born in St.Petersburg, Russia. She began drawing in early childhood, so the decision to send her to drawing school was apparent. After 10 years of classical studies of drawing, painting, and applied arts, the decision was nevertheless made to try herself in a distant sphere. Daria has finished the faculty of law at the State University and worked some time as a legal adviser. However, art was not forgotten: parallel to work and studies, the beginning artist attended painting classes, becoming afterwards a member of the Union of Artists in St.Petersburg, taking part in various group artistic shows. During this period, cubistic manners and constructivism influenced her style, the basis for many Russian underground art movements. In her works, she reveals a great interest in the object’s inner structure, tries to build the most vivid composition and thus captures the energy of the object’s interaction and intersection, no matter what it is - a still-life or a landscape. That analytical approach, the ability to reveal and re-construct a scene's logic and harmony, also remains in later works. After the birth of children, she started her path in a fascinating world of children’s book illustration. She illustrated over 30 books published in Russia, Canada, the USA, and the Netherlands, collaborating with publishing houses and independent authors. IIlustrating books, in its turn, broadened the range o