Sarah Cummins
Books by Sarah Cummins

Raffi's Island Adventure

Mia, Matt and the Turkey Chase

Raffi's Animal Rescue

Fred and the Pig Race

Toni Biscotti's Magic Trick

Maddie's Big Test

Toby Laughs Last

Toby Shoots for Infinity

Fred and the Mysterious Letter

Adam's Tropical Adventure

Maddie Stands Tall

When Grownups Play At War
A Child's Memoir

Toby's Very Important Question

Marilou Keeps a Camel

Leo's Midnight Rescue

Maddie Surfs for Cyber-Pals

Marilou Forecasts the Future

Toby's Best Friend

Maddie on TV

Leo's Poster Challenge

Dear Old Dumpling

Maddie's Millionaire Dreams

Fred's Halloween Adventure

Marilou Cries Wolf

Marilou, Iguana Hunter

Maddie Needs Her Own Life

Fred on the Ice Floes

A Gift from Mooch

Maddie Wants New Clothes

Marilou's Long Nose

Fred's Midnight Prowler

Life without Mooch

Missing Mooch

Leo and Julio

Marilou on Stage

Maddie Tries To Be Good

Will and His World

Maddie in Trouble

Mikey Mite's Best Present

Fred and the Flood

Fred and the Stinky Cheese

Good For You, Mikey Mite

Maddie in Hospital

Max the Superhero

Mooch Forever

Video Rivals

Fred's Dream Cat

Maddie in Danger

Mikey Mite's Big Problem

Loonie Summer

Arthur's Problem Puppy

Maddie Goes To Paris

Arthur Throws a Tantrum

Mooch Gets Jealous

Maddie Wants Music

Mikey Mite Goes to School

Swank Talk

Hang on, Mooch

Maddie in Goal

The Loonies Arrive
Mr. Zamboni's Dream Machine

The Swank Prank

That's Enough, Maddie!

Arthur's Dad