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Luke Chmilenko

Luke Chmilenko hails from the Great White North, where he lives with his wife and two daughters. Writing far faster than his hands can withstand and toiling endlessly, he juggles his time between a rapidly growing catalog of series while playing far more video games than he would ever openly admit.G. D. Penman is the author of more books than you can shake a reasonable-size stick at. Before finally realizing that his guidance counselor had lied about one’s not being able to make a living as an author, Penman worked as an editor, tabletop game designer, and literally every awful demeaning job that you can think of in between. Nowadays, he can mostly be found smoking a pipe in the sunshine and pretending that deadlines aren’t lurking behind him with a club. He lives in Dundee, Scotland, with his menagerie.

Books by Luke Chmilenko