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Paul Catanu

Dr. Paul Catanu was born in 1973 in Bucharest, Romania and came to Canada in 1981, graduating from McGill University in 1998 with a major in philosophy. He defended his PHD in 2009 at University of Montreal under the supervision of Jean Grondin, a Canadian philosopher and biographer of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Dr. Catanu has written on the history of metaphysics, ontology, the history of ancient philosophy, the philosophy of mathematics and logic, pedagogy and the philosophy of the Renaissance. He presently lectures at Champlain College in St-Lambert. Heidegger's Nietzsche: Being and Becoming, is his first book. Paul is currently working on a research project he is calling the "Ontology of the Image" which traces the dualism of the image and the idea in Western philosophy and civilization, back to Plato.