Emily Carr
Books by Emily Carr

This and That
The Lost Stories of Emily Carr; Revised and Updated

Autobiographical Sketches by Emily Carr

Childhood in Victoria
Early Voices — Portraits of Canada by Women Writers, 1639–1914

Sister and I in Alaska

Sister and I from Victoria to London
From Victoria to London

Studio Billie's Calendar
A Perpetual Calendar

House of All Sorts, The

Book of Small, The

Heart of a Peacock, The

Opposite Contraries
Unknown Journals of Emily Carr and Other Writings

This and That
The Lost Stories of Emily Carr

A Sketchbook

Penguin Black Classics: Klee Wyck
Penguin Black Classics Edition

Wild Flowers

Hundreds and Thousands
The Journals of Emily Carr

Opposite Contraries
The Unknown Journals of Emily Carr and Other Writings

Emily Carr and Her Dogs
Flirt, Punk and Loo

Growing Pains
The Autobiography of Emily Carr

The Heart of a Peacock

The Book of Small

The House of All Sorts

House Of All Sorts

Book Of Small

Klee Wyck