About D. Brent Edwards Jr. D. Brent Edwards Jr. is Graduate Chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education at the University of Hawaii, US. Books by D. Brent Edwards Jr. Researching Global Education Policy Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement contributions by Mellisa Chin, Clara Fontdevila, Steven Lewis, Kalervo N. Gulson, Andrew Wilkins, Fabian Besche-Truthe, Kerstin Martens, Dennis Niemann, Michael Windzio, Yasin Tunc, Laura Engel, Jisun Jeong, Oshie Nishimura-Sahi, Gerard Ferrer-Esteban, Chenyu Wang, Nelli Piattoeva, Brad Gobby, Andreu Termes, Emiliano Grimaldi, Jordi Collet, Tomas Esper, Marcel Pagès & Oscar Valiente edited by D. Brent Edwards Jr., Antoni Verger, Keita Takayama & Marcia McKenzie