Jennifer A. Bell
Books by Jennifer A. Bell

The Best Gift for Bear

Counting to Christmas: An Advent Calendar Treasury

Grandma's Christmas Wish

Je t'aime à l'infini...

Nothing is Scary with Harry
Tall Trade Format


Stella Batts: Broken Birthday

Stella Batts: Broken Birthday

Stella Batts: Scaredy Cat

Safe in a Storm

Stella Batts: Superstar

Stella Batts: None of Your Beeswax
None of Your Beeswax

Third Grade Angels

Stella Batts: Something Blue

Stella Batts: Something Blue

Big or Little?

Stella Batts: Who's in Charge?

Stella Batts: A Case of the Meanies
Book 4

Stella Batts: A Case of the Meanies

Third Grade Angels (Audio Library Edition)

Stella Batts: Pardon Me

Stella Batts: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Stella Batts Needs a New Name
Needs a New Name