About Shaheen Azmi Shaheen Azmi is the director of Policy, Outreach, and Education of the OntarioHuman Rights Commission. Books by Shaheen Azmi Racial Profiling and Human Rights in Canada The New Legal Landscape contributions by Lorne Foster, Lesley A. Jacobs, Bobby Siu, Shaheen Azmi, Sunil Gurmukh, David M. Tanovich, Gary V. Melanson, Carl E. James, Andrea S. Anderson, Tomee Elizabeth Sojourner-Campbell, Tammy Landau & Scot Wortley 14 Arguments in Favour of Human Rights Institutions contributions by Shelagh Day, Ken Norman, Gwen Brodsky, Pearl Eliadis, Genevieve Leslie, Michelle Flaherty, Maxwell Yalden, Constance Backhouse, Rachel Cox, RicharD Moon, Shaheen Azmi, Paul Eid, Lorne Foster, Lesley A. Jacobs, Jennifer Carter & Jennifer A. Orange edited by Lucie Lamarche Balancing Competing Human Rights Claims in a Diverse Society Institutions, Policy, Principles edited by Shaheen Azmi, Lorne Foster & Lesley A. Jacobs