Beverley Bie Brahic is a poet with her eye on what is happening between us, between continents on which she lives, between familial relationships, between languages in which she works. In this, her second collection—the first to be published in Canada—her assured and dignified voice speaks of the world around her, creating original and fascinating poems.
About the author
Beverley Bie Brahic is a poet and translator. Born in Saskatoon, she grew up in Vancouver and was educated at the University of British Columbia, Columbia University, and the Universit� de Provence. She has published a poetry collection, Against Gravity (Worple, 2005) and a number of translations from French, including a selection of poems by Francis Ponge, Unfinished Ode to Mud (CBeditions, 2008), a finalist for the Popescu Prize for Poetry in Translation, and H�l�ne Cixous's Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint (2004, Columbia University Press). She lives in Stanford, California and Paris, France.