Edward Dower, an enterprising fishing captain, in the year 1872 prosecuted the northern cod and seal with a determination that amazed friend and neighbour alike.
Ellen Dower, wife to Edward Dower and proprietress of their fishing firm, was a lady of standing in the little town of Conche, Newfoundland. Hers was an unrivalled beauty, and she was a revered and respected advisor to her neighbours in times of trouble.
Maurice Power was a man about whom little was known. A tyrant and savage to those few who knew him, the man kept mostly to himself. But he had big plans for Edward and Ellen Dower and the town of Conche . . .
About the author
Earl Baxter Pilgrim was born in St. Anthony, Newfoundland, in 1939. He received his early education in Roddickton, later studying forestry at the College of Trades and Technology in St. John’s. Besides being Newfoundland and Labrador’s favourite storyteller and all-time bestselling author, his career has spanned numerous fields. He served with the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI), during which time he became a champion boxer, and following his stint in the Armed Forces, he went on to become a forest ranger and wildlife protection officer with the Newfoundland government. Pilgrim has won several awards for his efforts in conservation and protection of the environment: the Safari International; the Gunther Behr; and the “Achievement Beyond the Call of Duty.”He is married to the former Beatrice Compton of Englee. They have four children and make their home in Roddickton, Newfoundland. Pilgrim’s most recognized literary work is the bestselling Newfoundland epic Curse of the Red Cross Ring.