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Business & Economics Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurial Effect

Practical Ideas from Your Own Virtual Board of Advisors

edited by James Bowen

contributions by Terry Matthews, Mike Gassewitz, Tamas Michel Koplyay, Jean-Pierre Levy-Mangin, Li Li, Denny Boyle, Ray Novokowski, Eli Fathi, Sorin Cohn-Sfetcu, Rob Ashe, Adam Chowaniec, Deborah Weinstein, Ken Wigglesworth, Dave Curley, Andrew Moffat, Margo Crawford, Peter Sommerer, Pat DiPietro, Nathan Rudyk, Tony Bailetti, Brian Hurley, Jeffrey Dale, Lance Laking, Bernard Herscovich, Bernie Ashe, Donna Price, Debi Rosati, Antoine Paquin, Irving Ebert & Bruce Lazenby

University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Aug 2022
Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance, Business Development
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Aug 2022
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The Entrepreneurial Effect is a collection of advice articles by successful high technology entrepreneurs, based on their experiences. Every budding entrepreneur seems to imagine a series of lunch dates with the most successful entrepreneurs in technology and other sectors of the Ottawa area Silicon Valley north. What skills are seen as needed to be successful in starting, growing and managing technology-based business in the 21st century? Every business seems to have some technology base and every entrepreneur needs the skills, knowledge and experience detailed in these lessons from the most successful people in this area. Lessons include management, marketing, planning, people, sales, technology, public relations, financing, outsourcing, alliances, risk management, and many others. When you want to be the best, learn from the best, and this book is your opportunity with 32 of the best lessons in entrepreneurship.

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