Moli�re's comedy classic is ingeniously reimagined in Andy Jones' hilarious adaptation, set in 1930s Newfoundland. The original Tartuffe, by France's most celebrated comic playwright, is set in seventeenth-century Parisian high society during the reign of King Louis XIV. Jones' Tartuffe, set in the home of a wealthy fish merchant on the South Coast of Newfoundland, is a blazingly funny exploration of religious hypocrisy, with a unique Newfoundland twist.
About the author
An actor, writer, storyteller, and director, Andy Jones was born and raised in St. John's, Newfoundland. He worked with CODCO, both in theatre and on television, and with Sheila's Brush Theatre Troupe. He has written, performed, and toured five one-man shows; has performed in theatrical productions across Canada and on numerous television shows; and has appeared in such films as Extraordinary Visitor, The Adventures of Faustus Bidgood, and Rare Birds.
His on-going series of Jack tales, illustrated by Darka Erdelji, has been widely praised: The Queen of Paradise's Garden was named to the IYL's White Ravens List; Jack and the Manger received the 2012 Bruneau Family Award for Children's/Young Adult Literature; Jack and Mary in the Land of Thieves received the 2012 BMO Winterset Award and the 2014 Bruneau Family Award. Jack, the King of Ashes was nominated for the 2015 Ann Connor Brimer Award, the 2015 Governor-General's Literary Award for Illustrated Children's Book, and the 2016 Silver Birch Express Award. Jack and the Green Man has been shortlisted for the 2017/2018 Hackmatack Award.
With Philip Dinn, he is the author/adaptor, of Peg Bearskin, a folktale from Placentia Bay; the first edition of the book was shortlisted for the 2004/05 Hackmatack Award and named to the International Youth Library's prestigious White Ravens List. The book is being republished in a new edition, featuring all new illustrations and design, in February 2019.
Other titles by
Actor Needs Restraint!
Monologues, Recitations, Clown Turns, and Comedy Sketches
The Queen of Paradise’s Garden
A traditional Newfoundland folktale
Barefoot Helen and the Giants
The Awesome Book of Rap, Rhyme and Putrid Poetry
Girl 99
Jack and the Green Man
Jack, the King of Ashes
Jack and Mary in the Land of Thieves
Jack and the Manger
A Christmas Jack Tale
The Queen of Paradise's Garden
A traditional Newfoundland tale