About 13 million Canadian baby boomers are about to retire. That's the good news. The bad news is that many of them can't afford it. Does that mean giving up on that dream of tropical breezes and afternoon siestas under cloudless blue skies? Not at all! Unless, of course, you like shovelling snow - Paradise is still within reach. The trick is knowing where to look. Planet Boomer is your passport to a carefree and affordable retirement.Veteran travellers and former corporate drones Jim Herrler and Ellen Ma provide everything you need to know to live your retirement like royalty - on a budget: where you should go, what you need to get there, how much it will cost, and the best way to enjoy your time when you are there (or how best not to do anything at all but enjoy!). This guide is the complete A to Z, including visa requirements, medical care, transportation, taxes, language, and much more. Lock up that snow shovel for good! Put away the salt. And stop worrying about the retirement you think you can't afford. You can! Your biggest retirement investment might be those new Bermuda shorts...
About the author
IM HERRLER & ELLEN MA practice what they preach. With a combined fifty years' corporate experience in global advertising and marketing, the two Canadians—both experienced and committed travellers' packed up in 2007 and waved bon voyage to their old lives in Toronto and moved permanently to Singapore for their slice of paradise. They haven't look back since. Jim and Ellen regularly blog about their experiences at www.avoyagist.com.