A retrospective of the life and career of the renowned Canadian painter Mary Pratt.
Beginning in the mid-1960s, Mary Pratt became fascinated by light on the surfaces of everyday objects in her home. She began to create oil paintings that became known as "kitchen still-lifes" and earned her national renown. In this book celebrating Pratt and her work, which accompanies a travelling exhibition, seventy-five of the artist's unmistakable works are represented, including the iconic Supper Table, Eviscerated Chickens, and Jelly Shelf. A comprehensive chronology of the artist's life and five critical essays place Pratt's work in context within both her own life and the greater world of art.
About the authors
Mireille Eagan is Curator of Canadian Art at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, St. John's, a position she has held since January 2010. Prior to this, she was Curator at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Eagan has lectured nationally on Canadian art and has published several catalogues and essays on Canadian artists. She has a special interest in promoting the activities of artists based in the Atlantic provinces.
Sarah Fillmore est conservatrice en chef au Musée des beaux-arts de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Halifax, et commissaire du Prix artistique Sobey. Fillmore travaille au Musée des beaux-arts de la Nouvelle-Écosse depuis 2005. en tant que conservatrice en chef, elle supervise la collection d'art provinciale ainsi que les acquisitions du musée et les programmes d'interprétation, d'éducation, de conservation et d'exposition. elle est commissaire du programme de résidence artistique et préside le jury du Prix artistique Sobey, le prix annuel prééminent pour un artiste de 40 ans ou moins du Canada.
Caroline Stone is Curator of Collections at The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, St. John's, joining the gallery when it was established in 2003. For twenty years she worked in art exhibition and education roles for its predecessor, Memorial University of Newfoundland Art Gallery/Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Ray Cronin détient un baccalauréat en arts visuels du Nova Scotia College of Art and Design et une maîtrise en arts visuels de l'Université de Windsor. Cronin est directeur général du Musée des beaux-arts de la Nouvelle-Écosse où il a occupé différents postes depuis 2001, notamment conservateur de l'art contemporain et premier conservateur du Prix artistique Sobey. Auteur de plusieurs essais pour des catalogues et de nombreux articles parusdans des magazines d'art canadiens et américains, Cronin a reçu en 2000 le prix Cristina-Sabat de la critique d'art. Parmi ses projets d'exposition récents et à venir, mentionnons des rétrospectives de l'œuvre de Thierry Delva, Nancy Edell, Chris Hanson et Hendrika Sonnenberg, ainsi que les expositions itinérantes Graeme Patterson : Woodrow et Arena : The Art of Hockey.
Catharine Mastin is Director of the Art Gallery of Windsor and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Windsor. She has held doctoral fellowships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the University of Alberta.
Catharine Mastin's profile page
Sarah Milroy is a Toronto writer and art critic. She served as editor and publisher of Canadian Art magazine (1991-96) and as art critic of the Globe and Mail (2001-10). Milroy has contributed to publications on the work of Gathie Falk, Jack Chambers, Greg Curnoe and Fred Herzog, and is a regular contributor to Canadian Art, Border Crossings and The Walrus.
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