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Education Leadership

Learning to Change

Teaching Beyond Subjects and Standards

by (author) Andy Hargreaves, Lorna Earl, Shawn Moore & Susan Manning

Initial publish date
Jan 2001
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Jan 2001
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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2008
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The success of school reform measures greatly depends on thesupport and commitment of teachers. This book examines therealities of educational change from the frontline perspective ofreform-minded teachers. It charts the perceptions and experiencesof twenty-nine teachers in grades 7 and 8 from four schooldistricts--showing how they grappled with such initiatives asintegrated curriculum, common learning standards, and alternativemodes of assessment.

This book moves beyond the bandwagons of rhetorical change andexamines how these changes work in practice for better and forworse. Authors Andy Hargreaves and Lorna Earl focus on how reformproposals have brought new complexities to teaching practice andwhy major investments of time and support are required if teachinginnovations are to become lasting and effective. Most importantly,they highlight the intense emotional demands that school changeimposes on teachers, and they outline practical strategies forhelping teachers through the difficult transition process--thusensuring that worthwhile reforms flourish and endure.

About the authors

Contributor Notes

ANDY HARGREAVES is professor of education in the Department of Theory and Policy Studies and codirector of the International Centre for Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. LORNA EARL is associate professor in the Department of Theory and Policy Studies and codirector of the International Centre for Educational Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. SHAWN MOORE is a senior research officer at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. He also works in the International Centre for Educational Change. SUSAN MANNING Susan Manning is a project manager in Student and Community Services for the Toronto District School Board. She is a former research manager for the Scarborough Board of Education.

Editorial Reviews

"At a time when schools are dominated by prescriptive standards,subject-centered coverage, and high-stakes testing, Learning toChange offers us a glimpse of a more hopeful and enrichingpedagogy. I highly recommend this book for its pedagogicalcontribution and its political lessons." (James Beane, Professor,College of Education, National-Louis University)

"In this optimistic and fine-grained study of learning to change,Andy Hargreaves and Lorna Earl graphically illustrate, with adegree of clarity rarely previously achieved, how the professionalwork of teachers mediates the translation of the new educationalorthodoxy into sustained and enhanced levels of student learning."(David Hopkins, Professor and Dean of Education, University ofNottingham, UK)

"At last we have a book that get beneath the slogans of reform! Ina compelling highly readable book the reader learns what supportsand hinders teachers' struggle to create higher standards for theirstudents. The authors go way beyond the technical and intellectualwork of teaching recognizing the highly emotional cultural aspectsof change. But this is no mere academic treatise, but rather a callto intelligent and informed action." (Ann Lieberman, visitingprofessor at Stanford University and senior scholar, The CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement of Teaching)

"Hargreaves and his colleagues have crafted a book that describesthe harsh reality of change efforts at the level where truedifferences are made: the school and classroom levels. But moreimportantly, they outline the intellectual and emotional work thatmust be done for these efforts to succeed. Showing that there is nosubstitute for clear thinking, careful planning, and hard work,they demonstrate what is needed for deep and abiding change inschools." (Thomas R. Guskey, professor of Educational PolicyStudies and Evaluation, University of Kentucky)

"Many teachers will read (this book) and feel vindicated, or atleast relieved, that someone has finally confirmed what they havebeen saying about education reforms." (Professionally SpeakingMagazine, 6/01)

"This book will interest those concerned with examining the processof change at the classroom level.... Hargreaves and his colleaguesargue persuasively for placing the practical, emotional, andintellectual needs of teachers front and center the school reformefforts." (American School Board Journal, 8/01)

"..this one is a must..."(Times Educational Supplement, 31 August2001)