Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
- Age: 9 to 12
- Grade: 4 to 7
Lumpy mashed potatoes oozing down the wall;
green beans soaring through the air;
stodgy meatloaf guiltily smeared across the cafeteria floor.
Who threw the first fistful of food? Could it be the shy new kid cracking under the pressure of being new? The star athlete? He could easily throw veggies across the room. Perhaps the perp is someone completely unexpected, like a top student who has never been in trouble before? Someone started it and someone is going to detention. All this is the middle of a contentious contest for the election of class president. The suspects are endless but, in the end, the case will be cracked, and the election won. A fun-filled middle grade novel by the author of The Bedmas Conspirary and Triple Chocolate Brownie Genius.
About the author
Deborah Sherman is a teacher and mom. Her first novel, The Triple Chocolate Brownie Genius was a Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Awards finalist in the Juvenile Fiction category and a Diamond Willow Readers Choice Award nominee. Deborah divides her time between Hamilton, Ontario and Denmark.
Editorial Reviews
"Deborah Sherman's Food Fight begins with an epic "food fight" in the cafeteria of J.R. Wilcott middle school. The three suspected of instigating the "food fight" are the focus of this book, with each character being discussed in rotation through 36 chapters and an epilogue. . . Without giving too much away, what ensues is a very fun, clever, and well-written read. The characters are extremely relatable for just about anyone — who didn't know (or doesn't know) a determined classmate, or someone who is new to a school? . . . Make Deborah Sherman's Food Fight your next purchase or read. Highly endorsed for adults in the family as well!
Highly Recommended"
— CM Magazine