Simultaneously a religion, a culture, and a way of life, Hinduism is one of the world's most venerable religious traditions, dating back to approximately 3,000 BC. Today it is the dominant faith of India and, through India's growing expatriate community, an increasingly familiar spiritual force in the West. This illustrated introduction to the key themes of Hinduism covers its ancient cosmology, philosophy, and sacred architecture, as well as its thousands of gods and goddesses who are all understood to be aspects of the one supreme Brahman. The literature of Hinduism is described and explained—from sacred texts such as the Vedas and Upanishads to the epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. A la vez una religión, una cultura y una manera de vivir, el Hinduismo es una de las religiones más venerables del mundo, con orígenes alrededor de 3000 AC. Hoy es la fe dominante de la India, y por medio de la migración internacional, es también una fuerza espiritual en el occidente. Esta introducción ilustrada a los temas centrales del Hinduismo cubre la cosmología anciana, la filosofía, la arquitectura sagrada y los miles de dioses y diosas que son considerados manifestaciones de un brahmán supremo. La literatura del Hinduismo está explicada—desde textos sagrados como las Vedas y los Upanishads hasta la poesía épica del Ramayana y el Mahabharata.
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Contributor Notes
Vasudha Narayanan is a religion professor at the University of Florida and the former president of the American Academy of Religion. Her recent writing has focused on Hinduism and the environment, Hindu traditions in India and America, the Sri Vaishnava tradition, and gender issues. She is the author of The Vernacular Veda: Revelation, Recitation, and Ritual.
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