This handy guide is ideal for your next trip to the garden centre or nursery; small enough to carry but packed with the best plant varieties available for your garden. You'll find recommendations for annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, vines, roses, bulbs, and herbs, and ornamental grasses. This book combines beautiful photography with comprehensive information on selecting and caring for plants:
· habitat, height and spread
· information on soil, light and water
· tips on how to best to use the plant in your garden
· recommended species for the various regions of British Columbia.
About the authors
DON WILLIAMSON has turned his passion for gardening into his life's work. His background is in landscaping, golf course construction and management, and in the design and construction of formal landscape settings. With a degree in Applied Horticultural Technology and professional certificates in Turf Management, he has written and co-written several gardening books.
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