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Browse Books in Islam

Inrushes of the Heart

The Sufi Philosophy of “Ayn al-Qu??t

by (author) Mohammed Rustom

The Dervishes of the North

Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

by (author) Merin Shobhana Xavier

Halal Sex

The Intimate Lives of Muslim Women in North America

by (author) Sheima Benembarek
foreword by Mona Eltahawy

Animals in Islam

Masri’s Book and Scholarly Reflections on His Work

edited by Nadeem Haque

Made for the Eye of One Who Sees

Canadian Contributions to the Study of Islamic Art and Archaeology

edited by Marcus Milwright & Evanthia Baboula

Beyond the Divide

A Century of Canadian Mosque Design

by (author) Tammy Gaber

Our Legends

by (author) Abdul Wahab Waheed & Mustafa Rasheed

Shi'ism Revisited

Ijtihad and Reformation in Contemporary Times

by (author) Liyakat Takim

Producing Islam(s) in Canada

On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics

edited by Amélie Barras, Jennifer A. Selby & Melanie Adrian

By the Light of the Crescent Moon

by (author) Ailsa Keppie


Art and Islamic Cosmopolitanism

edited by Melia Belli Bose

God, Science, and Self

Muhammad Iqbal's Reconstruction of Religious Thought

by (author) Nauman Faizi

Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice

Processes of Canonization Subversion and Change

edited by Nevin Reda & Yasmin Amin

Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice

Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change

edited by Nevin Reda & Yasmin Amin

Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice

Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change

edited by Nevin Reda & Yasmin Amin

In Your Face

Law, Justice, and Niqab-Wearing Women in Canada

by (author) Natasha Bakht
foreword by Constance Backhouse

In Your Face

Law, Justice, and Niqab-Wearing Women in Canada

by (author) Natasha Bakht
foreword by Constance Backhouse

The Edinburgh Companion to Shari'ah Governance in Islamic Finance

edited by Syed Nazim Ali, Wijdan Tariq & Bahnaz Al Quradaghi


by (author) Irfan Ali

Morality at the Margins

Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya

by (author) Sarah Hillewaert

Divorcing Traditions

Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism

by (author) Katherine Lemons


A Medieval Treatise on Astral Magic

translated by Dan Attrell & David Porreca

Islam in the West

Beyond Integration

by (author) Zijad Delic

Repentance and the Return to God

Tawba in Early Sufism

by (author) Atif Khalil

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