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Browse Books in Christian Life

Thriving Churches

Urban and Rural Successes

by (author) Loraine MacKenzie Shepherd

We Shall Be Changed

Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church

edited by Mark D.W. Edington
contributions by Paul-Gordon Chandler, Shane Claiborne, Lorenzo Lebrija, Greg Garrett, Lizette Larson-Miller, Andrew McGowan, Deanna Thompson, Elise Erickson Barrett, Miguel Escobar, James W. Murphy, Kelly Brown Douglas, Molly Baskette, Jeffrey Lee, Sarah Birmingham Drummond, C. Andrew Doyle & Robert C. Wright

Walking the Way of Love

edited by Courtney Cowart
foreword by Michael B. Curry
contributions by Robert C. Wright, Dwight J. Zscheile, Stephanie Spellers, David Vryhof, Frank Logue, Megan Castellan, Catherine Meeks, William Lupfer, Peter Elliott & Jesús Reyes

Au fil des jours - Calendrier 2021

by (author) Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Charité du Bon-Pasteur

God Walk

Moving at the Speed of Your Soul

by (author) Mark Buchanan
read by Robert Kiefer

31 Days to Great Sex

Love. Friendship. Fun.

read by Sheila Wray Gregoire

Vivre son âge (livre audio)

Pistes de réflexion spirituelle

by (author) André Beauchamp

Entre ciel et mère (Livre audio)

Spirituallité, vie de famille et autres acrobaties

by (author) Valérie Roberge-Dion

El gran tejedor de vidas

Cómo Dios nos va formando a través de los eventos de nuestra vida

by (author) Ravi Zacharias
read by Alfonso Grau

El gran tejedor de vidas (Narración en Castellano)

Cómo Dios nos va formando a través de los eventos de nuestra vida

by (author) Ravi Zacharias
read by Juan Miguel Diéz

Growing Grateful

Live Happy, Peaceful, and Contented

by (author) Mary A. Kassian
foreword by Jennifer Rothschild
read by Ginny Welsch

Open and Unafraid

The Psalms as a Guide to Life

by (author) David O. Taylor
foreword by Eugene Peterson
read by Tim Lundeen

Prayer Warrior Journal

52-Weeks of Petitions, Praise, Scriptures, and Thanks to God

by (author) Barry Adams & Anneliese Adams

Reupholstered Psalms

Ancient Songs Sung New

by (author) Greg Kennedy SJ

Written on My Heart

Living Classic Prayers in the Modern World

by (author) Michael Swan

Peut-on douter quand on a la foi “

by (author) Suzanne Rousseau

Qu'y a-t-il après la mort?

by (author) Jocelyn Girard

Better Together

How Women and Men Can Heal the Divide and Work Together to Transform the Future

read by Danielle Strickland & Gabe Wicks
foreword by Bob Goff

Faithfully Yours

Letters for the Wondering

edited by Alydia Smith
contributions by James Aitchison, Alfredo Barahona, Josie Forcadilla, Christine Jerrett, Joe Kadi, Alana Martin, Donna Sinclair, Lorna Standingready & Bri-anne Swan

He Loves Me

by (author) L.E. Maughan

Entre l'âme et l'esprit (numérique PDF)

La vie spirituelle en quatre saisons

by (author) Jacques Otis

Entre l'âme et l'esprit (numérique ePub)

La vie spirituelle en quatre saisons

by (author) Jacques Otis

The Right Kind of Strong

Surprisingly Simple Habits of a Spiritually Strong Woman

read by Mary A. Kassian

Au fil des jours - Calendrier 2020

by (author) Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Charité du Bon-Pasteur

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