Browse Books in Christian Life

Embodied Prayer
Toward Wholeness of Mind, Body, Soul

A Woman's Book of Days 2

Prayers to Share - Year A
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Living the Heart of Christianity
A Guidebook for Putting Your Faith into Action

Finding Peace
Footprints True Story 10th Anniv

Finding the Will of God
A Pagan Notion?

The Gift of a Child
Spirtual Lessons from the Life of a Child

Prayers to Share - Year B
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Prayers to Share - Year C
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Year

I'd Say Yes, God If I Knew What You Wanted
If I knew What You Wanted

I'd Say Yes, God
If I knew What You Wanted

The Flowering of the Soul
A Book of Prayers by Women

The Other Six Days
Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective

Saving Graces

Prayer: Hidden Fire
A practical and personal approach to awakening a greater intimacy with God

The Way of Life
A Theology of Christian Vocation

My Baptism
The Story of Jesus' Baptism and My Baptism Memories

Prayer: The Hidden Fire
A practical and personal approach to awakening a greater intimacy with God

The Religious Sense

Religious Sense

Marks of the Marker

Subversive Spirituality