Browse Books in Children & Youth
Nous allons vivre pleinement l'eucharistie - livre de l'enfant-guide familial
Nous allons vivre la réconciliation - livre de l'enfant-guide familial
Nous allons vivre pleinement l'eucharistie - guide d'animation
Itinéraire de préparation au sacrement de l'eucharistie
Nous allons vivre la réconciliation - guide d'animation
Itinéraire de préparation au sacrement de la réconciliation
Comment parler de Jésus aux enfants?
21 Activities That Really Work
Engaging Children in Their Faith
The Church Lads' Brigade in Newfoundland
A People's Story
Messy Church
Fresh ideas for building a Christ-centred community
Starting Your Messy Church
A beginner's guide for churches
Faith and Science Matters
Building a Virtuous School
Guided Reflections for Catholic Character Formation
Is That Story True?
Go Deep
Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry
Lectionary Story Bible Set
Year A, B, C
Lectionary Story Bible- Year C
Year C
How Far Can We Go?
A Catholic Guide to Sex and Dating
The Emerging Millennials
How Canada's Newest Generation Is Responding to Change and Choice
52 More Crafts
for the Christian Year
Child's Book of Blessings and Prayers
Lectionary Story Bible- Year B
Year B
Learning God’s Stories Together
Intergenerational Program for Church and Home
Lectionary Story Bible- Year A
Year A
My Christian Passport
Worship for All Ages
Services for Special Sundays