Browse Books in Jesus, The Gospels & Acts

Entrusted and Sent
Teaching in a Catholic School

The Beatitudes
Eight Steps to Inner Peace and Happiness

Where Faith and Life Meet
Adult Faith Education that Transforms

Marian Approach to Synodality

The Infinite Mercy of God
Sofia Cavaletti and Pope Francis on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus
The Hidden Teachings on Life and Death

A Teaching Jesus
Ignatian Contemplation with the Gospel of Matthew

Prier autrement (numérique ePub)
À l'écoute des évangiles

Prier autrement
À l'écoute des évangiles

A Common Written Greek Source for Mark and Thomas

Commentaries On The Gospel Of Thomas

Venez voir. Jésus de Nazareth (numérique PDF)

John, His Gospel, and Jesus
In Pursuit of the Johannine Voice

Suivre Jésus aujourd'hui

Passeurs d'espérance
L'entourage de Jésus enfant

Tell It Slant
A Conversation on the Language of Jesus in His Stories and Prayers

A Common Written Greek Source for Mark and Thomas

Whose Historical Jesus?

Finding the Historical Christ

The Jesus Sayings
The Quest for His Authentic Message

For Christ's Sake

From Jesus to Paul
Studies in Honour of Francis Wright Beare